What’s this all about?
- Our students are different than those from just 5, 10, and 20 years ago. Today’s students are “digital natives.” The group of students we are teaching today are known as the “Net Generation.”
- Book to read: “Grown Up Digital” by Don Tapscott
- Teachers need to adapt to students in order to remain effective
- So many negative views of current generation, but honestly we are teaching the smartest and most capable kids ever.
- “Don’t blame the kids” — it’s just how they are! 🙂
Some recent consumer-driven technology that has changed the way we work and live:
- iPod: 2001
- iTunes Music Store: 2003
- iTunes Music Store sells 1 billionth song: February, 2006
- iPhone: 2007
- iPad: 2010
How can I be effective with today’s students?
- Try to see things from the student’s perspective. Imagine if you grew up with a cell phone and other current technology. You would be different too!
- Bond with students — really get to know them on a personal and social level. But know the boundaries!
- Embrace their learning style and culture. In order to be effective we must REALLY get to know our kids including what they like, how they think, and how they live.
- Combine Aural and visual stimulation. Come up with new lessons that involve innovative teaching strategies that will motivate them to participate and practice.
Using technology in your classroom, remember…
- Students need guidance, especially younger students
- Students also work more efficiently under a regular routine
- Helps increase proximity to individual students, keeping them on task.
- Enhance rehearsals combining aural and visual stimulation
- Amount of technology used
- Frequency of use
- Class size
- Students’ tech knowledge
- Teacher’s tech knowledge
Here are some statements I have heard from teachers regarding technology:
- “Technology is being forced upon me.”
- “I am uncomfortable with integrating technology into my lessons.”
- “I want to use iPads in my classroom”
Technology is part of who kids are and what they know. However, technology shouldn’t be used for technology’s sake. Remember that technology is the tool, not the product. Technology can be a mean to reach a particular goal, and not the reverse. When technology is seamlessly fused into lessons and daily routines and increases learning, it is being done right. Focus on your goal, and implement technology in a way that will help you and your students be better at reaching that goal. Have fun!
What does it mean to be a 21st Century educator? Let me know how you are using technology in your music classroom!